Hampton in Arden Tennis Club

Home, Coaching, Social Tennis, Tournaments, Box Leagues, Team Tennis, Policies, Contact


We run a comprehensive tennis coaching programme for children from as young as 2 years of age. Beginners of all ages are welcome. We also provide adult group lessons on Monday, Friday and Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings, as well as the option to book individual or group lessons at a time to suit you.


Meet our Coaches



Coaching Courses

Junior Group Coaching

Hampton in Arden Tennis Club has an extensive programme of coaching for juniors from ages 2 to 18 years old. LTA-qualified staff provide structure (and fun!) to all juniors receiving coaching. Term-time coaching is supplemented with half-term and school holiday time tennis and multi-sport clubs.

LTA Youth Tennis

Hampton in arden Tennis Club is an accredited LTA (Lawn Tennis Association) LTA Youth training centre, teaching the five stages of LTA Youth – blue (for ages 4-6), Red (ages 6-8), Orange (ages 8 and 9) to Green (ages 9 – 10) and Yellow (11+).

Adult Coaching

Hampton in Arden Tennis Club also provides structured coaching for all levels of adult playing capability, both during the daytimes and at weekends.

One to One Coaching

The coaching staff at Hampton in Arden Tennis Club are also available for one-to-one coaching sessions for all ages and abilities, whether you want to catch up with others in your group coaching or need to move on from group coaching activitiies to perfect individual skills.


How to book a Course

Please contact info@astartennis.co.uk to book a course.