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Box Leagues
Singles Box Leagues were first introduced in 2013 to give adult members an opportunity to play more singles tennis. The leagues cater for a variety of playing standards and hopefully you should find yourself in a league with players of similar ability. Since 2023 we have introduced Doubles Box Leagues.
- Singles
- Ladies Doubles
- Gentlemen’s Doubles
- Mixed Doubles
How to enter
If you want to be included in subsequent box leagues, please contact us at: boxleagues@hamptontennis.org.uk
Box league tournaments consist of leagues of around 6 players. Each tournament lasts for two/three months ending on the last day of the month. All match scores should be recorded on LTA Box Leagues at:
- Please book your match using the court booking system on this website. Matches must not be played on courts booked for other events e.g. Team matches, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday social tennis sessions.
- You must play 12 games against your opponent using the normal scoring system for scoring games. Each match should take about one hour.
- Record the score promptly online as, e.g. 10-2. The system will automatically award an extra 2 points to both your scores for playing the match (See note below).
- At the end of the tournament period, access to update any box league scores will be automatically stopped. Any scores not recorded by that time will not count. The total scores for each player will determine the ranking in each league. Normally, the two highest ranked players will move up a league and the two lowest ranked players will move down, although the committee reserves the right to change this, if appropriate, to try to balance the number of players in each league because of players wishing to join or leave the leagues.
- If two or more players have the same points total and are in the promotion or relegation zone, then the player with the higher ranking will be: 1. The player who has played the most matches;
- If there are more than two players that have not played a match, then the two players in the lowest positions will move down.
- Please make every effort to arrange matches in a timely fashion to give everyone a chance of finding a mutually convenient time. If you can only play at very restricted times due to other commitments, then the onus is on you to contact the other players early on to give them time to accommodate you.
If two players have arranged to play a match and one must pull out for any reason, every effort should be made by both parties to re-arrange the match. If this is not possible, then the player who must pull out concedes the match 8-0 and both parties will receive 2 points for playing the match.
When new players join the box league, the committee will try to place them, where possible, in an appropriate division. All playing standards are welcome.
If you are unable to compete in a league due to injury or other reasons, you must let the organising committee know by e-mail. If you have played 4 games or more your scores will stand in those games, and where you have not yet played games, the score will be deemed to be 8-0 to your opponent and both parties will receive 2 points for playing the match. If you have played 3 games or less then all your scores will be scratched.
Players who do not play any of their matches will not be included in the next league unless they let the committee know by e-mail that they are unable to play their matches and that they would like to be included in the next league. If a player does wish to play in the next league, then that player must try to complete matches in the next box league. In fairness to other players, if this does not happen and there is no good reason, that player will not be included in the following box league.
You must let the committee know if you do not want to be included in the next box league.
Juniors will only be included in the adult leagues if they are over 14 and the coach has recommended that they are included. This is entirely at the coach’s discretion. In exceptional circumstances juniors under the age of 14 may be included at the coach’s recommendation.
If you have any queries or issues with regard to the box leagues, please contact us at boxleagues@hamptontennis.org.uk.
Note: We have switched to a new system to record scores from Autumn 2024. You enter scores as 12 games as before.
Entering and Viewing Result (myClubMatch)
You must log into myclubmatch.com with your email and password. Click on the ‘Matches’ menu item. This page will show your ‘Uncompleted Matches’ and ‘Completed Matches’. For example the following shows the matches that a member called Mary Smith has to play.
To view the contact details of a member you want to play, click on their name. For example Mary needs to know the contact details for Sandra Cook.
When you have played your match, click on the ‘Result’ button in the ‘Matches’ page. For example, Mary Smith played John Carter and won 8 games to 4.
The result will now move from the list of ‘Uncompleted’ matches, to the list of ‘Completed’ ones. If you made a mistake with the score, please remove the result and add it again with the correct score. You only have a couple of days to do this.
You can see the all the results of the Box League by clicking on the Event name, for example ‘Singles – Box 1’.
You can see that Mary now has 8 points for each game she won, plus 2 points for playing the match. When the box league is near to finishing it will look like this.
Each player is ranked according to how many points they have. In the above example clicking on ‘Rank’ will sort the players by their points.
Mobile App
Please scan the following QR code or go to the following: https://expo.dev/accounts/john.vanderrest/projects/mobile-ui-myclubmatch/builds/592bb5b3-8328-44ea-90be-02bf42c9659c
Entering and Viewing Results (LTA Competitions)
Note: We are not using this anymore. All the results gathered here have now been copied into myClubMatch. This will be removed soon.
You must log in to competitions.lta.org.uk with your LTA username and password:
Click on ‘Log in’ at the top right corner.
Once you are logged in you should see your own profile.
Scroll down to find Box League events at Hampton in Arden Tennis Club.
Click on the currently running Box League to see the matches you need to play.
You can fill in the score for your matches here. To find contact details for your opponent, click on their name: